IP door stations 7 products

Techson residental outdoor system, Surface mounted, Push-button, 2 MP

Gross list price:

Ft 83,690

Techson apartment outdoor system, Surface mounted, Push-button, 3,5" LCD, 2 MP

Gross list price:

Ft 187,452

Comelit apartment outdoor system, Surface mounted, Push-button, HD

Gross list price:

Ft 227,400

Comelit residental outdoor system, Surface mounted, Push-button, HD

Gross list price:

Ft 228,015

Comelit apartment outdoor system, Surface mounted, Contact and Push-button, 5" IPS érintő képernyő, 2 MP

Gross list price:

Ft 1,061,060

Comelit apartment outdoor system, Flush mounting, Contact and Push-button, 5" TFT

Gross list price:

Ft 1,086,533